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Hydretain, Water Retention Product, 1 Quart with Applicator

SKU: 83234
List Price: $49.95
Price: $49.95

Pearl's Premium is pleased to offer Hydretain to help keep your Pearl's Premium lawn and garden healthy throughout the hot, dry summer. Spray it on with a garden hose to protect your lawn for up to 90 days. Quart bottle with hose-end sprayer conveniently fits any standard garden hose.  Each quart treats up to 4,000 sq. ft. of lawn,

  • Great for lawns seeded in spring
  • Great for lawns and gardens if you're going away for vacation
  • Great for your conscience during summer heat and drought

Please note: Applicator nozzles made for other products are calibrated differently and may not mix the Hydretain concentrate with water at the appropriate ratio.

How Does It Work?

Hydretain molecules have the unique ability to attract, hold, and then transfer water molecules into plant roots. One end of the   molecule anchors itself to soil particles and root hairs coating their surface. The other end is available to “grab” free water molecules from humid air circulating in the soil, applied waterings, rainfall, etc… 

Once Organic Hydretain has “grabbed” a water molecule, it releases it into the plant’s root throughout osmosis preventing it from being lost to evaporation or leaching. Because the Hydretain molecule is too large to fit through the cell wall of the root, it is left behind where it is free to “grab” another water molecule. This process is repeated over and over again, continually supplying the plants with water.

Hydrophobic soils are caused by organic matter (i.e. lipids, proteinaceous compounds, humic acid, fulvic acids, alignins, and suberin) that coat the soil particles and repel water. Because Hydretain is able to adhere to these compounds, water molecules are drawn to these hydrophobic areas, restoring the natural capillary action of the soil matrix that brings plant available water to the root system.