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Fall Planting Tips

Oct 16 2018

Tips For Fall Planting
Fall is a great time to establish a new lawn or overseed an existing one! 
Cooler nights make it easier to keep the seeds moist during germination. Most of the weeds that compete with grass are dead and diseases are under control. The new grass will have the fall and spring seasons to mature before facing all the stress of summer!
Pearl’s Premium grows well in all regions.
Soil Test 
A soil test is an extra step that can really improve your lawn! The soil test will tell you your lawns pH, nutrients and soil structure - most important is to test pH levels and then amend to adjust your pH between 6 – 7 neutral area.
Add Top Soil or Compost
Add 1/4 inch of organic compost or 3/8 inch mixture of compost and soil, before putting down the seed, to amend your existing conditions. Rake to smooth soil. Never bury the seed more than a 1/2 inch deep

Seeding and Fertilizer
Spread seed at a rate of 10# per 1,000 square feet to ensure a thick lawn. Then add a little organic fertilizer – to slow release nitrogen into the soil to help start the seeds. Don’t mix seed and fertilizer. Put down seed first and then organic fertilizer. After the lawn is established, use minimal organic fertilizer after the spring rains to replenish soil nutrients and again in early September and mid-October to support root growth and keep the lawn green in winter. Leave the clippings at every other infrequent mowing to return nutrients to the soil.

Water according to instructions on the bag. Be sure to keep your new seed evenly moist in the beginning because if you let grass seed dry out too much it may kill the seed during germination. This first 3 weeks are very important, after that you can back down depending on the weather forecast.